Dal 30 Luglio al 2 Agosto si terrà l’annuale hacker meet più famoso al mondo: Il Defcon!
Si svolgerà come di norma a Las Vegas presso:
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2901 Las Vegas Blvd S, Las Vegas, NV 89109
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Giunto alla sua 17esima edizione il Defcon è stato ed è il più grande raduno di hacker al mondo! Ogni qualvolta che si riunisce vengono pubblicate nuove vulnerabilità e tecnologie/tecniche di attacco mai viste prima! Popolata dai più svariati personaggi (FBI,CIA,Hacker,Cracker,Ingegneri,Nerd in generale..) il Defcon17 ha un programma spettacolare!
Potete trovare tutti gli interventi con rispettivi relatori qui: http://www.defcon.org/html/defcon-17/dc-17-schedule.html
Come novità per quest’anno si avrà un Contest chiamato "10,000¢ Hacker Pyramid", spiegazione dal sito ufficiale:
The $10,000 Pyramid was a popular game show during the 70s and 80s. Known primarily for it’s host Dick Clark and the hilarity that comes from the combination of “average civilian” contestants and the celebrities who were partnered with them, the show was well received and has become part of the cultural heritage of North America.In the fine tradition of DEFCON’s Hacker Jeopardy, the 10,000¢ Hacker Pyramid would pit average DEFCON attendee vs. other attendees in a race to see who the winner of 10,000¢ would be. (The cents instead of dollars being a reference to the $0.002 or 0.002¢ Verizon data charge error as seen in xkcd, etc. And of course, the humor of handing over
a bag full of 10,000 loose pennies to the winner.)The key to the success of the 10,000¢ Hacker Pyramid would come from two major factors, the first being the selection of a host with the most appropriate combination of “ability to keep the game going” and “ability to keep the audience interested” and the second being the celebrities who could be convinced to take part.
The actual game play is as follows:
In successive rounds, perhaps a sports standard winner+consolation – or more like the show – with 2 teams, players face off. The “civilian” player is offered the choice of giving or receiving clues to/from the “celebrity” player. The teams are placed such that their members sit and face each other. The player giving the clues needs to see the
board, while the other person faces away.(
To note: There will be no contestant pre qualifier and in order to participate you must show up and be selected from the crowd.)
For each round, reveal the categories one at a time to the clue giver. The team has 30 seconds to correctly guess all 6 categories. The player gives clues to his partner. but he may not say the word involved. For instance, if the category is parts of the body, he can say "head," "feet" or "hands," but he may not say "body." If the guesser is stumped, she may say pass to move onto the next category.
Advance play when the other teammate guesses the correct categories until that team reaches the top que and wins the round.
Repeat play with the other team through three rounds. Then determine the winner by adding the number of categories correctly guessed and how fast the guesses took. The winner can play a bonus round, or the winner can take on challengers instead.
As noted, the prize would be the somewhat comical “big sack of 10,000 pennies” — additional prizes may be supplied in the grand tradition of American game show consolation prizes (Rice-a-Roni, or similar useless prizes)
Non poteva di certo mancare l’inevitabile CTF!
Per tutti gli altri contest potete consultare questa pagina: https://forum.defcon.org/forumdisplay.php?f=433
Il sito ufficiale del Defcon17 è il seguente: http://www.defcon.org/html/defcon-17/dc-17-index.html
Peccato che sia così lontano dall’Italia! Prima o poi dovrò andarci!